Paris Fury recently shared a touching moment with her daughter Athena during a two-hour hospital visit to have her arm cast removed. The glamorous wife of boxing champion Tyson Fury posted photos on social media, capturing Athena’s joy as the pink, glitter-decorated cast came off. Paris expressed her reluctance to throw it away, saying she plans to keep it as a memento for their “baby box.”
In her post to her 1.8 million followers, Paris wrote, “And it’s off,” and shared a moment of Athena coloring while a nurse used a small circular saw to remove the plaster. After the hospital visit, Paris treated herself to a Starbucks coffee, joking about needing a boost after the experience.
Following her dedicated mum duties, she showed off a stylish purple manicure, calling them her “Rapunzel nails.” The couple later enjoyed a date night at Nando’s, where Paris shared a snap of their halloumi fries.
This family moment comes after Tyson Fury recently faced criticism for his performance in the Riyadh Rumble, leaving Paris feeling a bit shaken after he sustained a nasty bruise under his left eye.