Mum-of-seven Paris Fury has responded to criticism after sharing a video of her five-year-old son, Adonis, swearing and making an inappropriate gesture. The 34-year-old found herself at the center of a social media uproar when Adonis raised his middle finger during a family outing at a pumpkin patch, prompting her to post the moment to her 1.8 million Instagram followers.
Critics were quick to voice their disapproval, with one commenter questioning why she would allow her child to behave that way. Others echoed similar sentiments, expressing concern over the influence of such behavior on young children.
In response to the backlash, Paris took to her Instagram stories to defend herself. “I share real life,” she stated. “People aren’t perfect, kids aren’t perfect. Life ain’t perfect but I don’t pretend. I don’t tell the kids to swear. I teach them right, as you can hear in the original video. But if my picture of my kids is not perfect, I still post because I’m real.”
In the original video, Paris can be heard asking her children to pose for another photo because Adonis was swearing in the first. She shares her large family with heavyweight boxing champion Tyson Fury, including their other children: Venezuela, 15; Prince John James, 11; Prince Tyson II (Tutty), 8; Valencia, 6; Athena, 3; and Rico, 1.
This isn’t the first time Paris has faced criticism for her children’s language; back in April, she shared a video of her then-two-year-old daughter, Athena, saying, “That’s dog alongside a caption that read, “Such an angel with that mouth.”