Paris Fury, the wife of heavyweight boxer Tyson Fury, recently shared a glowing bare-faced selfie on Instagram while feeding her youngest son, Prince Rico. The 34-year-old mother-of-seven looked radiant with her blonde hair pulled back and a bronzed complexion, wearing a simple black vest. In her post, she greeted her 1.8 million followers with a cheerful “Good Morning.”
Paris and Tyson, who have been married for 16 years, are parents to a bustling household, including Venezuela (14), Prince John James (10), Prince ‘Tutty’ Tyson (6), Valencia (5), Prince Adonis Amaziah (5), and Athena (2). Despite the chaos that comes with such a large family, both Paris and Tyson embrace their lively home life. Tyson humorously described their household as “chaotic,” highlighting the constant noise and activity, while Paris reflected on her desire for a big family, stating she wouldn’t want it any other way.
The family’s life was featured in their Netflix series, At Home with the Furys, giving fans a glimpse into their busy household. Just a month after welcoming Prince Rico, Paris hinted that she hasn’t ruled out having another child, sharing on Loose Women that she often feels a longing for more children once they start school.
Recently, Tyson added some playful speculation about a potential eighth child by commenting on one of Paris’s Instagram photos, saying she looked “a bit pregnant.” This sparked reactions from fans, with many jokingly suggesting that another baby might be on the way.