While nothing can truly replace a loved one’s presence, memorial tattoos are a beautiful way to carry on their legacy after they pass away. Memorial tattoos come in a plethora of designs, ranging from subtle and modest to intricate and covering a full arm.
In memory of someone you love and respect, getting a “in loving memory” tattoo can also be a healing step in the grieving process. It acts as a continual reminder of the memories and affection that they will always carry with them and, for many, it symbolizes a permanent method to keep their loved one close when they are no longer physically there. Given that tattoos are a permanent form of remembering, you should be very certain about the design and style you select.
If you struggle to come up with ideas, we advise you to think back on something that has always affected you, a symbol that symbolizes their significance to you, or a clear memory you have of them.We have some suggestions for basic memorial tattoos as well as general keepsakes. Here are some ideas for motivational memorial tattoos to get you thinking.